Brand Codes

Improve Marketing Effectiveness With Brand Code Research

Understand your brand’s true performance. Gain actionable insight to grow with Brand Code research.

Robust methodology
Seamless process
Actionable recommendations
Robust methodology
Seamless process
Actionable recommendations
Copy of DBAT Grid (1)

Our Clients

Why Research Brand Codes?

A quantitative assessment of your distinctive assets and brand codes allows you to understand actual performance removing any objectivity. This research will help unpick your best-performing brand codes i.e. which assets you should be doubling down on. It will also highlight any watchout codes that are being misattributed to competitors. It uncovers which codes or assets may need more work, adaption and/or creative application and finally, it will allow you to benchmark and track performance over time.

Asset Prioritisation


Understand your strongest performing codes, informing which to hero in your comms, on packaging or online.

Watchout & Threats


Understand your watch-out codes including which are being misattributed to competitors.

WIP Assets


Discern which codes may need work, updates and/or creative application.



Benchmark brand code performance against competitors and track performance.

Why Are Brand Codes Crucial?

Golden Arches DBA

Stand Up In Comms

Having strong brand codes can significantly improve advertising brand linkage, memorability and ultimately improve ROI.
Omnichannel DBA

Stand Together

Connects disparate marketing activities & tactics helping create integrated marketing and campaigns.
Kikkoman Distinctive Bottle

Stand Out Physically

With 30,000+ items in an average supermarket,
standing out on-shelf is critcal in driving sales.
Corona Distinctive Lime Serve

Stand Out Mentally

Improves how easily a brand comes to mind, playing a leading role in driving salience.

15 Minute Discovery Call

Whether just interested in learning more about Brand Code and Distinctive Brand Asset research or looking for a proposal, we’ll respond with more information within 4 business hours.